Do you want to stay up to date on all the latest Pirate Clan news? We have some excellent resources that will help you keep your finger on the pulse!
Most importantly, make sure to check out the Kano Play blog HERE. Every Friday we post a TGIF! blog post that outlines all the current and upcoming events in our games! On the blog you can also get quick access to our bi-weekly Bonus Boost links.
Next, make sure to follow us on all our social media platforms:
Most importantly, make sure to check out the Kano Play blog HERE. Every Friday we post a TGIF! blog post that outlines all the current and upcoming events in our games! On the blog you can also get quick access to our bi-weekly Bonus Boost links.
Next, make sure to follow us on all our social media platforms:
YouTube, Facebook, and Discord users can also catch semi-regular updates on our Kano Livestreams!