Ready to show off your moves? The Arena is an epic free-for-all between players over level 250. Many players will enter, but only a single victor will leave alive!

The harder you fight the longer you live! Every opponent you kill will earn you back health, and as the numbers of combatants decline, the rewards will increase. Battle Arena events last for 24 hours and end when only one competitor remains, or when the event timer runs out.
Arena events are an independent mode of play. Your regular gameplay stats such as Battles Won/Lost, Battle Kills and Survival Streak will not be affected by your participation in the Battle Arena. However, there are a number of Arena-specific Achievements.

Battle Arena Start Times
The Battle Arenas take place roughly every two weeks on either a Wednesday or a Saturday, and flip between two starting times. The date and time of the upcoming Arena will always be displayed at the top right of the Battle Arena Page.
Starting Times, (listed in Pacific Time, or GMT -8:00)
10:00 (10 AM)
14:00 (2 PM)
Your placement in the Arena is determined by your Score. Your Score increases with every Attack you make against another competitor.

The amount of Score your attack earns varies from opponent to opponent and is influenced by factors such as the level and stats of your target in comparison to your own.

Arena Phases
Each Arena lasts one day and is made up of two phases. The first is the Brawl Phase, during which everyone battles everyone to accumulate Score and players can return to battle if knocked unconscious.

After eight hours, the Arena enters the Sudden Death Phase. During Sudden Death, knock-outs no longer cause players to lose score, however unconscious players can no longer return and whatever Score they had when eliminated is now final.

To ensure everyone gets the most out of the event, any competitors who were unconscious at the start of Sudden Death are revived by Battle Arena medics.

Returning to Battle When a competitor’s health has been reduced to 0, that player is knocked Unconscious. If this happens during the Brawl Phase, the competitor loses 5% of their Score and is unable to return to battle for 30 minutes.

Competitors knocked out during Sudden Death do not lose any score, but are now out for good and cannot return to battle.

Placement in the Arena is revealed when the event ends and is determined by Score. The Competitor with the highest Score will take 1st place, regardless of when they were knocked out. However, the longer you last the longer you can accumulate Score, so it’s a good idea to stay alive.

The competitors in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place each receive prizes, as well as those who placed in the top 6 competitor brackets. Bracket sizes are based on the total number of competitors and tend to vary between events.

Joining the Arena
To sign up for the next event, visit the Fight section of your game and open the Battle Arena Page. The Date and Time is displayed on the Arena page, as well as a Countdown timer. Registration closes once the Arena begins, so keep an eye on the countdown to see when the next one will start.

Click the orange JOIN NOW! button to sign up. You’ll receive some Bonus Experience just for joining, and the button will turn green. You’ll also see an option to view your Arena Profile appear just below.

Your Profile contains a summary of your strengths and Perks, and will continue to update right up until the start of the event. Any changes made to your character’s Level, Skill Point distribution, or equipment will be reflected. Once the Arena begins, your Arena Perks and Strengths will be set for the remainder of the event.

When you sign up for the Arena you can choose the name that will appear in the Leaderboard at the end of the event. If you wish you can display your actual Character name as well.

During the event, all Competitors are anonymous and given a generic label.

Perks are special bonuses towards your Attack, Defense, and Health-related abilities in the Arena. Perks are applied based on the distribution of Skill Points to your character’s Attributes.

Note: Because Energy is not used in the Arena, Skill Points applied to this stat are not counted towards your total. This is so players with Energy-heavy builds are not unfairly handicapped.

Health Perk
This perk determines the size of your health pool for this event, and is determined by the percentage of skill points you have put into your Health. A bigger Health Perk means a greater health pool. The greater percentage of your skill points that you have put into Health, the more Health you will receive when you get a kill during Sudden Death.

Attack Perk
Your Attack Perk sets the minimum amount of damage your Attacks deal to your opponents. A bigger Perk generally means a higher average Attack damage.

Your Attack Perk is determined both by the percentage Skill Points you have put into your Attack Skill, combined with the the Attacking Power of the items equipped to your Character when the Arena started.

Note: The amount of damage your attacks inflict is also modified by your opponents’ Defense.

Defense Perk
Your Defense Perk modifies how much Damage you take while in Defensive Stance, as well as how long you can stay in Defensive Stance for and how long you must wait before it recharges.

Your Defense Perk is determined both by the percentage Skill Points you have put into your Defense Skill, combined with the Defense Power of the items equipped to your Character when the Arena started.

The Event
Battle Experience
Competitors receive Experience for whenever they make an Attack, even if they lost the Battle. Experience is not earned when someone else Attacks you, so stay active!

You receive more Experience for Attacks that do more Damage, so Wins usually net more Experience than Losses, however Experience rewards also depend on the levels of the Competitors. Attacks made on lower level players will award less Experience, so choose targets of your own level or higher if you’re trying to maximize your rewards.
Fight List
Your Fight List shows a selection of Competitors currently available for Attacks. All competitors are anonymous, however you can save specific targets and go back to them later. Note that if a target you have saved is knocked unconscious during the Brawl Phase, they are removed from your saved targets list.
Each Arena Attack uses 1 Stamina. The Arena shares the same Stamina pool with the rest of the game, so even if your Stamina was Refilled or Boosted from outside you can still use it towards Arena actions.

Your Total Attack Strength is determined by your Personal Attack skill, Armed inventory, and Clan inventory.

Wins and Damage are calculated by pitting your Modified Attack Strength against your opponent’s Modified Defense Strength. There is some random variation from action to action, but if your Attack is greater than your opponent’s defense you will likely win the Battle and deal greater damage than your target.

Damage is also influenced by your Attack Perk, which sets the minimum amount of damage your Attacks deal. A bigger Perk generally means a higher average Attack damage.
Defensive Stance

Defensive Stance is a purely protective mode you can enable to conserve your Health. Any Attacks made against you while you are in Defense Stance deal significantly less damage. You are not able to Attack while in Defensive Stance.

Defensive Stance can be toggled on and off with a button in the "Your Details" section of the Battle Arena screen. You can hop in and out of Defensive Stance if you wish, however it costs time whenever you leave and re-enter, so keep an eye on your timer.

Your Defense Perk determines how effective Defensive Stance is at reducing damage, as well as how long you can stay in Defensive Stance for and how long it takes to recharge once depleted. A better Defense Perk means a larger reduction in damage, a larger pool of Defense Stance time, and a shorter wait to recharge.

Your Health in the Arena is independent of your Health in the rest of the game, and is influenced by a wide range of factors.

The size of your Arena Health pool is determined by your Health Perk. A better Perk means a greater starting Health.

When a competitor’s health has been reduced to 0, that player is knocked Unconscious. If this happens during the Brawl Phase, the competitor loses 5% of their Score and is unable to return to battle for 30 minutes.

The Arena’s medics are concerned for competitors’ health. During the Brawl phase they will revive anyone who has not returned to battle within 8 hours of being knocked out. They will also revive all unconscious competitors when Sudden Death begins.

Competitors knocked out during Sudden Death do not lose any score, but are now out for good and cannot return to battle.

Competitors who remain standing longer into the Sudden Death phase can acquire Attack Health Bonuses. These bonuses only appear towards the end of the event shrink as it progresses into the final rounds.

Idle Price/Gods’ Contempt
The Arena is a competition of valor and prowess, and the Gods look with scorn upon those who sit in sloth while others battle! Competitors who have not performed at least 100 Attacks will find their Health reduced by 15% for every 6 Hours that pass.

Defensive Stance
If you're not actively attacking, you can reduce the damage you are receiving in the Arena by adopting a Defensive Stance. How effective your Stance is varies depending on your Character's Stats.
However you can't stay in Defensive Stance forever. Every player has a set amount of Defensive Stance time which varies depending on their stats, and once it runs out, Defensive Stance will be unavailable for a time.
Pro Tip: You can disable Defensive Stance at any point to attack someone else, but the act of doing so automatically reduces the remaining time by 5 minutes. Jumping in and out will burn through your Defensive time much more quickly, so you may want to save it for times when you can't be actively playing.

Battle Arena Names
Arena names are like regular character names in that they can be set to pretty much anything, as long as it's not offensive and no-one else in the event is already using it.
Many players either use their own names or take up an alter ego so they can compete anonymously. However there is no rule against selecting another player's regular character name as your Arena name if it's available.
Misleading other players as to your true identity can be a useful strategy. However, many players enter the Arena with a good idea of who their friends are and can tell pretty quickly if your not the person they think you are. Would-be impersonators should be aware that they might make themselves a target by taking up another player's game name in the Arena.