The Piggy Bank is a limited time special offer which we like to release a few times each year, often alongside another event.

When the Piggy Bank is active, each time you spend UN in the game, a portion of what you spend will be saved in the Piggy Bank-- up to a pre-set amount. Once you've reached the limit for the amount of UN you can save in the Piggy Bank, you will be able to break it open for free and receive all the UN back in your account!
Whenever you break open the Piggy Bank it will "level up," allowing you to save and then claim a larger amount of UN each time. Each level up will allow you to save an even higher amount of UN in the Piggy Bank and the portion you're saving each time you spend UN will also increase! As soon as you see it hit 5/5 or 10/10 or any other full amount, go ahead and break the Bank to get those Favor Points! There is no downside to breaking the Piggy Bank.
Once you reach the final level of the Piggy Bank, you can keep breaking it open as long as you are able to fill it!
Note: when the Piggy Bank event ends, all unclaimed UN will be lost. Make sure to break the Bank whenever you can so you don't miss out!