Kano has several chat channels for you to talk with friends, challenge rivals and find new opportunities!

The chat is set to World by default, where messages can be seen by everyone on your network. World Chat is meant only for friendly chatter - keep your trash talk to your own chat groups! See the FAQ on “World Chat Guidelines” for more details.

Faction Chat will be available only to members of your Faction. It’s a great way to organize Raids and your Faction Quests, and more!

The Jobs Chat channel will be open to the entire network, players can post in-game links for help with Bosses, Outbreaks, or Challenges. It’s wise to check this channel often for postings!

The Groups Tab has all your private chat group options. See the FAQ on “Chat Groups” for details!

The final tab, Shop, will have options for players to purchase a new chat color! A great way to customize your chat experience.