Has your automated Business stopped making money? Never fear, we're here to help!

First, double check that your Business has actually stopped earning income. If the green gauge looks like it is stuck fully green, your business may simply be earning cash at a rapid rate!

When an automated business becomes so fast that its earnings are collected at approximately half seconds or quicker, the green bar will no longer fill up each time. Instead, you will see the whole icon bobbing up and down each time the business earns money. Head to your Business Collection page to check the speed of your earnings!

If you notice that the green gauge linked to the Business is completely blank, then you may or may not be dealing with a stalled Business. First, check your Business Collection page one last time. If your Business is earning extremely slowly, the gauge might not look like it's moving!

Of course, if you think some or all of your Businesses are completely stalled, then there might be an error occurring! Here are the three usual causes for such an error:

  • Your device's time was changed manually
  • You traveled through one or more Time Zones
  • Your area is going through a time change for daylight savings (also known as summer/winter time)

A more rare reason is just a glitch in the game and rebooting your device resolves it. We encourage all players to fully close out their game after a play session, and not leave it open idle in the background of your device.

If you have not altered the time on your device or traveled through Time Zones and rebooting does not help, please submit a ticket and we will take a closer look to see if your Business timers can be fixed so you can get back to the game!